David C. Meade
David is the founder and Director of Propempo International. He has over 40 years of experience in church planting, pioneering field ministry among UPGs, and leadership both on the field and in nonprofit organizations. He is local church oriented, serving as a Missions Elder for over 20 years. He loves teaching and mentoring church leaders and missionaries preparing for service in the tough places of the world. David loves being a husband, dad and grandfather, fishing, traveling, and being omnivorous. He continues to be an avid proponent of and participant in church planting.
Joel Hollins
With eleven years’ experience in missions and eight years’ experience in pastoral ministry and church planting, Joel now serves as Executive Director of MissioSERVE Alliance. Joel seeks to mobilize churches to fulfill their God given role to train, send and care for their missionaries well. When he is not consulting with churches, Joel’s work focuses on administration, resource development and production. Joel and Mary are raising 4 kids (Jacob, Annie, Solomon and ZJ), attending Patterson Park Church in Beavercreek, Ohio.
David Selvey
Dr. Selvey is a global missions coach with Missioserve Alliance. He offers workshops and coaching opportunities to help churches be better missionary senders. He helps pastors and missions leadership develop and articulate their theology, philosophy, and strategy for global missions.
Mike Pollard
Mike is on the church partnership team with Pioneers serving churches in AL, GA, IL, IN, KY, OH, TN and MI.
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