These musings represent a lot of thought and prayer into the characteristics that, taken together, make Propempo unique. These thoughts convey a mix of biblical principles, practical local church leadership and mobilization, along with ideals for field ministry which are oft touted and rarely followed. The question for you, dear reader, is: What would you add?, How would your express it?, What do you not understand that needs clarification?.
What are Propempo’s distinctive themes?:
- strategic vs. shotgun
- proactive vs. reactive
- mobilizing World Christians vs. compartmentalizing to a few activists
- ends-driven to church planting vs means-driven by methodology trends
- Gospel proclamation vs. “presence” evangelism
- Gospel priority vs. material/circumstantial needs priority
- grassroots indigeneity vs. paternalistic dependence
Musings on core beliefs of Propempo:
- Doctrine matters
- Jesus, through the Gospel, is the only solution for the most profound need of the world.
- Every church is unique.
- Church planting is the top priority in God’s plan for missions.
- Every church has role in the Great Commission.
- Effectiveness and longevity on the field is proportionate to quality preparation and support.
- The church most eager for strategic focus also has the most likelihood of positive change and growth.
- The sending church is the key to development and deployment of quality missionaries.
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