We thank God for your help!
Your support helps us fulfill our purpose
to obey the Great Commission through missions-effective churches.

Propempo International has joined forces with MissioServe Alliance, which is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. Donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services beyond intangible religious benefits are provided in return for contributions. You will receive a confirmation receipt for your donation.

Some supporters prefer making “Propempo“ a recurring payment with their own online banking or credit card system. Simply make "Propempo International" one of your "Pay To" accounts on your online system.

You can send donations by mail!

You can always send donations by check (or creating your online bank "BillPay") directly to:

Propempo International
℅ MissioServe Alliance
P.O. Box 1126
Wheaton IL 60187-1383


Simply click on one of the links below.

You will be taken to our new, secure web-based donation processor for your specific designation page.

If it is your first time using it, you will create your own account log-in credentials and give information for your tax-deductible receipt purposes, including the amount and frequency of your desired donation.

Thank you very much for your sustaining support for our ministry!

David Selvey support

David Meade support

Joel Hollins support

Propempo Operations

Propempo Book Project

Propempo Other Special Projects