What is your role?
Propempo International helps you and your local church become more effective in fulfilling missions, the Great Commission, for the glory of God. Propempo paths walk with you in your journey through the various paths of church missions.
Each path engages you using Frequently Asked Questions. These FAQs are presented in a logical order yet makes it easy to go directly to your specific area of inquiry; search friendly, logically ordered, linked to both internal
and external resources.
- Inquirer
- Inquire
- Explore
- Learn
- What is the primary task of missions?
- What is the status of missions today?
- How should we measure missions?
- What can I do to advance the cause of missions?
- How can I help my church get more involved in missions?
- How much does missions cost?
- What is the history of missions?
- How can I learn more about missionaries of the past?
- How can I learn about current missionaries?
- Connect
- Commit
- What's involved in a personal commitment to missions?
- Who should I tell about my commitment to missions?
- How does my commitment to missions relate to my family?
- How does my commitment to missions relate to my church?
- How can I encourage my friends to commit to missions?
- What if I want to change my commitment to missions?
- How long do I have to commit to missions?
- Grow
- Personal Involvement
- Learn
- How do I think about missions involvement?
- How can I get involved in missions personally?
- How can I get my family involved in missions?
- How does my missions involvement relate to my church?
- What are paths to deeper involvement?
- How can I find missions involvement that interests me?
- Are there biblical examples for personal involvement?
- Pray
- How can I pray for missions and missionaries?
- How is prayer related to missions?
- Why should I get involved through prayer?
- What difference does prayer make for missions?
- What does it mean to be on a missionary's prayer team?
- What information can I use to help me pray?
- Is there a systematic way to pray for missionaries?
- How can I get others interested in prayer for missions?
- How can I influence my church to pray for missions?
- What biblical examples do we have for prayer for missions?
- Share Your Faith
- How can I share my faith with others?
- What is my biblical responsibility to share my faith?
- How does my sharing Christ help the cause of missions?
- How do I develop skills at sharing the Gospel?
- Is the Gospel exclusive?
- How can I build my confidence in the Gospel?
- What if I encounter objections?
- What if I encounter hostility?
- What if my spouse is unsaved?
- How can I develop a lifestyle of sharing Christ?
- How can I get others involved in sharing the Gospel?
- How can I get my church more involved in evangelism?
- What do I do with new believers?
- Support
- Should I give financial support?
- What does it mean to support missions?
- What is a "sender"?
- Are there "senders" in the Bible?
- How can I become a supporter or sender?
- How important are "senders"?
- What does a sender do?
- What describes a good supporter / sender?
- What or who should I support?
- Are there causes or people I should avoid supporting?
- What guidelines should I follow as a supporter or sender?
- How can I form a group of senders for a missionary?
- What should a "sending team" do?
- How can I become a more effective sender?
- What changes are needed for me to become a committed sender?
- How can a sending team help our church in missions?
- Reach Internationals
- How can I reach out to internationals around me?
- What is "welcoming"?
- Why is "welcoming" important or strategic?
- Why should I get involved in welcoming?
- What does it take for me to become a "welcomer"?
- How can I become a better welcomer?
- How can I get my family involved in "welcoming" ministry?
- How can I get my church involved in welcoming?
- Go Short Term
- Learn
- Short Term Missions
- Go on a short term missions trip
- What is "Short Term Missions" (STM)?
- What are the Pros and Cons of STM?
- How does STM relate to long-term missions?
- How does STM relate to my church missions ministries?
- Why should I get involved in STM?
- Who is qualified to go on STM? (and who is NOT?)
- How do I select a STM opportunity?
- How is STM financed?
- Is STM a waste of money, time, and human resources?
- How should we prepare for a STM trip?
- What do we do when we come back from a STM trip?
- How can we transfer all the benefits of the STM to the church?
- How often should I go on a STM?
- How do we organize Short Term Missions?
- How does STM relate to the larger picture of missions?
- Mobilizer
- How can I disciple others in missions commitment?
- What is "mobilizing"?
- Why is "mobilizing" necessary?
- What is involved in mobilizing?
- How can I get started in mobilizing?
- What do I have to know to be a good mobilizer?
- Are there biblical examples of mobilizing?
- How can I encourage others to help me mobilize?
- How can I enable my church to mobilize for missions?
- How can I measure the results of personal mobilizing efforts?
- Missions Committee
- Start with the Basics of the Church Missions Committee or Team
- What is involved in local church mobilization?
- How can I help my church become effective in missions?
- Why is church missions mobilization important?
- How is church missions mobilization different?
- What authority or permission is needed?
- How can I get the ball rolling?
- What do I need to know to start mobilizing my church?
- What are the costs of church mobilization?
- How does mobilization for local missions relate to overseas missions?
- What is the scope of work of a church Missions Team (MT)?
- What documents do we need to get started?
- What do we call this church mobilization function?
- How often should we meet?
- What kinds of policies or guidelines do we need?
- How should we write a policy?
- What's the difference between doing and mobilizing?
- What are the primary functions of the Missions Team?
- What is our relationship to the church governing body?
- What is our relationship to the missionaries?
- How is missions funded at our church?
- How is the Missions Team accountable to the church leadership?
- How a Missions Committee or Team is Organized
- How do we compose a Missions Team?
- What are the qualifications of a Missions Team member?
- How do we organize the Missions Team?
- What records should we keep?
- How do we report to others?
- How do we relate to church-supported missionaries?
- How do other church ministries relate to missions?
- How do we do Short Term Missions?
- How do we promote missions involvement?
- How do we promote missions funding?
- How do we raise up missionaries from our congregation?
- What is our responsibility to missionaries sent out from our church?
- How is sending different from supporting?
- How narrow or wide should our interests be?
- How do we avoid a shotgun approach?
- How should we select missionaries to support?
- How can we hold them accountable?
- How do we relate to their work on the field?
- How important is it that our missionaries have the same doctrine?
- What should be our priorities for funding?
- How do we cut back our budget when funds are tight?
- How do we release missionaries from support?
- What responsibility do we have for missionary shepherding?
- What responsibility do we have for missionary counseling?
- What happens when the missionary comes home?
- How do we help a missionary re-enter back home?
- What happens when a missionary retires?
- What happens when a missionary has a major change?
- How do we handle a problem missionary?
- How can we help the church build ownership of a field ministry?
- How should we recruit new members to the Missions Team?
- Implement a Churchwide Missions Emphasis Event
- How can we get our church excited about missions?
- How should we celebrate our church involvement in missions?
- What should be the purpose/s of a missions event?
- How often should we have a special function or event?
- What are the best ways to communicate missions information?
- How do we get more people involved in doing the missions event?
- What are best practices for a missions event?
- How can we include or target children?
- How can we include or target teens?
- How can we include or target young adults?
- How do we get missions events into the church calendar?
- Can we get more platform time on a regular basis?
- What promotion and communication is most effective?
- How can we get our missionaries more involved in the celebration?
- Missions Inspiration and Education
- What, Why and How of Strategic Missions Focus
- What is a missions focus?
- What types of focus are there?
- What is a strategic missions focus?
- How does what we're doing now bridge to a focus for the future?
- Why should our church have a strategic focus in missions?
- How do we define, discover, or determine a strategic missions focus?
- What is the role of church leadership in approving a focus?
- What process should we follow to select a focus?
- How can we involve the congregation in researching a focus?
- How do we communicate it to the congregation?
- How do we begin to fulfill a strategic missions focus?
- What should we expect after we commit to a focus?
- How does a focus change our financial commitments?
- How will we know when we have completed our focus?
- What if things don't go well with our missions focus?
- Can we change or modify our missions focus?
- How do we quit a missions focus?
- When should we choose another one?
- How do we keep momentum and interest?
- What if our focus is a really difficult one?
- How does church initiative relate to agency initiative?
- What happens when our focus has a major shift on the field?
- How can we recruit other churches and resources to our focus?
- How do we coordinate with other sources for our focus?
- What should mark the conclusion of our involvement in a focus?
- Training Others in Missions Involvement
- What is missions training in the local church?
- Can a local church train missionaries?
- How do we train congregants to be World Christians?
- How do we train congregants for significant personal involvement?
- How do we train STM leaders?
- How do we train MT members?
- How should we help and enable pastors?
- What is involved in training missionaries through the church?
- What should be the process?
- How does church training relate to formal schooling?
- How does church training relate to agency requirements?
- How can our church partner with a sending agency?
- What is the role of the church in confirming a missionary call?
- What is the role of the church in ongoing training for sent ones?
- How can the church provide missions training for church leaders?
- Start with the Basics of the Church Missions Committee or Team
- Senior Pastor
- What is the role of church staff in church missions leadership?
- What is the role of the senior pastor?
- What is the staff pastor's relationship to church missionaries?
- What is the pastor's relationship to missions from the platform?
- What is the pastor's relationship to supporting field ministry?
- How can the pastor prevent getting overwhelmed by missions stuff?
- Does the pastor have to be the leader of missions in the church?
- How does missions enter into teaching and preaching?
- What priority should missions have in the church?
- Missions Pastor
- What is the role of the missions pastor in church missions leadership?
- When should the church hire a missions pastor?
- What is the job description of a missions pastor?
- What ministry experience makes for a good missions pastor?
- Is it OK to have a missions plus something else combination?
- What is the missions pastor's relationship to the MT?
- What is the mission pastor's relationship to church missionaries?
- What principles should I teach to help my church focus on the right things?
- What resources should I use to help church ministries understand missions?
- How can I get ministry leaders to incorporate missions in their areas?
- What outside training would be helpful to maximize leaders' effectiveness?
- How can I relate to our missionaries in helpful ways?
- What role do I have in discipling and shepherding our missionaries?
- How should I lead in screening, confirming, and equipping potential workers?
- How does my personal life lead others in missions?
- How can I model financial stewardship for missions?
- How can I demonstrate ownership and commitment to missions?
- How does my family life reflect a high view of missions?
- Pre-Field Missionary Training
- Missionary Path
- Missions Basics
- What is a missionary?
- Who are missionaries in the Bible?
- What does the Bible say about missions?
- What does the Bible say about the role of missionaries?
- What is the theological foundation for missions?
- What are the qualities of a good missionary?
- What are the qualifications of a good missionary?
- What is the Gospel message?
- The Work of Missions
- Why is the work of missions so important?
- How can I tell if I am "called" to missions?
- What is the role of the local church in missions?
- What is the role of the local church in sending missionaries?
- What is the role of the local church in supporting and shepherding workers?
- How does church and missions history inform us?
- What is missiology?
- What is culture and why is it so important?
- Do I have to learn another language?
- What is the goal of mission work on the field?
- Raise Support
- Navigate Difficulties
- What are some of the difficulties I will face on the field?
- How can I build accurate expectations for life on the field?
- What if I have problems with other missionaries?
- What is culture shock? What if I get it?
- What tools and skills do I need to be effective?
- What security precautions should I take?
- What are the various roles I might have on the field?
- How should I handle problems with authority on the field?
- What is my sending church's role and authority toward me on the field?
- Field Missionary Life
- Aim
- Aim
- What is my personal goal on the field?
- How does my work and role fit to achieve that goal?
- What difference does it make, as long as I'm doing good things?
- How important is alignment with doctrine and ministry values?
- What obstacles will there be to sticking to our aim/s?
- How can I influence others in my team to work in harmony with the aim?
- Plan
- Build
- Build
- How do we accomplish our goals?
- How do we implement our plans?
- What guides our day-to-day activities, when no one is looking?
- How do we use our resources to get the job done?
- How should we relate to nationals to enlist and engage them?
- What is the relationship between immediate opportunity and long-term goal fulfillment?
- How can I discern between good, better, and best?
- How can I build up the team around me to be more effective?
- In what ways do I give up my rights to serve the interests of others?
- Evaluate
- Strategize
- Strategize
- What are the key factors affecting achievement of our ministry goals?
- How does our doctrine and biblical values influence strategy and methods?
- What is the most effective way of meeting goals-objectives?
- In what ways does culture affect strategy and methods and expectations?
- How can we incorporate nationals into planning and implementation?
- Are there major external factors which present opportunities or threats?
- Are there creative alternatives we haven't previously considered?
- Has everyone involved agreed to this strategy?
- Has it been recorded and clearly communicated to all involved?
- Multiply
- Multiply
- What is the best way to multiply our efforts?
- How can we recruit resources to multiply ministry?
- What needs to be done to spread ownership to others?
- How can nationals do this better?
- What can we do now that will enhance multiplication later?
- In what ways should we be giving more responsibility to others?
- Finish
- Finish
- How can I know when a visionary ministry goal is finished?
- Is my role finished before the goal is achieved?
- What marks completion of my role?
- Are there biblical examples of finishing a large goal and moving on?
- How can I plan for my own obsolescence from the beginning?
- What ceremony might mark the conclusion of my involvement?
- What changes does this make in my relationship with the work?
- What changes does this make in my relationship with my church?
- What changes does this make in my relationship with our supporters?
- What changes does this make in my relationship with our sending agency?
- What future ministry does this finish enable?
- How can we use this milestone to give glory to God?
- In what ways can we leverage this for future ministry?
- Aim
- Parents of Missionaries