As an example of how individuals play unique roles on the field, imagine a team operating in rural southern Morocco among Berbers. The team gains entry into the country by operating a medical non-governmental organization (NGO). The team may include a doctor, a nurse or midwife, a physical therapist, an accountant who keeps the books, a pharmacist, and a teacher who homeschools the children of team members. The physical therapist is an outgoing person who is able to begin relationships with people who come into contact with the team. The nurse has a background in discipling women. The pharmacist is a gifted coach who will develop the church’s Moroccan leaders. The teacher will enable the team to stay on the field where no schools are available. The doctor exceptionally understands Islam and will advise the team as it makes ministry decisions. While each plays a different role, all are critical to helping the whole team make disciples and plant churches.