Your ministry’s alignment with doctrinal convictions and ministry values is of utmost importance. Ministry core values should derive directly or in principle from your doctrinal convictions. What follows are some examples of how doctrine might direct how you conduct your ministry.

Matt. 28.18-20 (The Great Commission) could direct you to place disciplemaking as your core ministry objective, as opposed to relief and development.

Rom. 15.20 (“I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation”, ESV) may set as a core value working exclusively among the unreached peoples.

Jesus’ command to love him more than one’ family (Matt. 10.32-29) may determine a core value of how long you may encourage a new follower of Christ to keep his faith hidden from his family.

Early missionaries’ strategies to plant churches in influential cities rather than rural areas may drive a core value to work in a city.

Paul’s relatively short stays in places where he planted churches, and his confidence in believers’ Holy-Spirit-given ability to teach each other (Rom. 15.14), may create a core value of coaching emerging national leaders in the background rather than serving as the leader of a new church. It might also give you great trust in national believers’ ability to teach and lead each other.