This depends on your team role.
If you’re the team leader, this is at the core of your job. You can accomplish this in a variety of ways, including:
- Pray consistently for your team and its individual members.
- Consistently evaluate if your team and its individual members are on track in effectively achieving its purpose.
- Lead the team in such a way that discussion and evaluation always reinforce the team’s goal and values. Determine and measure activity with these goals and values as measuring sticks.
- Shepherd your team members. Be vigilant in lovingly monitoring their personal and family lives.
- Personally coach and mentor team members, and bring in outside help/resources/experts to fill gaps that you can’t personally address.
If you’re a team member:
- Offer to assist the team leader in any way possible. Offer helpful feedback and ideas.
- Model aligning your life with Christ and His purposes for your team.
- Regularly seek ways to practically serve and encourage your teammates.
- Pray diligently for your team and its members.
- Meet on a regular basis for prayer and accountability with one or two teammates of the same sex.