At least an annual evaluation of you and your team’s progress is appropriate. Yet sometimes, especially if the ministry is experiencing difficulty or fruitlessness, it may be appropriate to evaluate more frequently.

“The best place to begin your efforts is at the end, with the vision God has given you. Evaluate all you do in light of that vision. Don’t be afraid to change your plans as often as needed. Remember, it’s better to change your plans to fit your vision than to compromise your vision just so you can retain your plans.” (David Garrison, Church Planting Movements)

The following are the kinds of mile markers by which you may choose to regularly evaluate the ministry.

Events that must happen by certain dates (such as filing paperwork for a business overseas)

Critical events in the process of planting churches, such as early conversions, emerging national leaders, financial independence of the church, etc.

Key side ministries started that assist in planting the church, such as remote medical clinics, computer classes, ESL teaching, etc.

Emerging results of the ministry, such as subsequent church plant generations, installation of nationals as elders, etc.