Z-to-A thinking asks the question, "What do I/we want to see accomplished in the end?; and, What steps take us for here to there?" As the missionary approaches a finish line, whether it be a major ministry goal fulfilled or a lifetime of service, it is a time to reflect and to celebrate.

We'll look at these questions in this final section of the Missionary path:

  • How can I know when a visionary ministry goal is finished?
  • Is my role finished before the goal is achieved?
  • What marks completion of my role?
  • Are there biblical examples of finishing a large goal and moving on?
  • How can I plan for my own obsolescence from the beginning?
  • What ceremony might mark the conclusion of my involvement?
  • What changes does this make in my relationship with the work?
  • What changes does this make in my relationship with my church?
  • What changes does this make in my relationship with our supporters?
  • What changes does this make in my relationship with our sending agency?
  • What future ministry does this finish enable?
  • How can we use this milestone to give glory to God?
  • In what ways can we leverage this for future ministry?

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