Often a worship service will occur to mark the end of a missionary’s career, and to give God honor for what He has accomplished through the missionary’s life. Such a service might include elements such as:

  • Songs of worship that feature gratefulness for God’s faithfulness, and encouragement for future generations’ involvement in missions.
  • A homily (brief sermon) that reiterates the importance of world missions, gratefulness for the missionary’s influence, and a charge for next generations to take up the mantle.
  • Brief remarks about the missionary by friends, co-workers and the mission agency, if possible.
  • Remarks by the missionary reflecting back on his/her experiences, and giving thanks to God
  • Prayer for the missionary and the people group he/she labored among.

Such a ceremony is highly appropriate, especially on the occasion of retirement, and can bring celebratory closure to a career, and worship to God for his faithfulness.