Planning reflects God’s character of order (I Cor. 14.33,40). Many Bible verses refer to planning as an appropriate and godly activity:

  • In Luke 14.27-32 Jesus commends planning activities such as building and going to war.
  • Many Proverbs commend planning (cf. 4.26, 5.21).

However, the Bible makes clear elsewhere how planning interplays with God’s plans.

  • God’s sovereign plans will supersede plans that do not align with His will (Prov. 16.9, 19.21).
  • Planning with arrogant presumption will fail (James 4.13-16).

One actual team’s poor plan to take the gospel to North Africa illustrates the importance of wise planning. The team entered a country with no preparation, including language. For awhile the team wandered the country and tried to begin ministry by handing out used clothes. This didn’t afford many opportunities for the gospel, so they decided to spend time gaining online certification to teach English. But with no knowledge of how to secure ESL jobs in the country that plan failed as well. Finally their lack of language hindered the team so greatly that they returned home to gain language skills.

Taking the time to gain from others’ wisdom who have gone before you, and developing a God honoring plan will take you far on the field.