You are not alone on this path! Your family, both immediate and extended, definitely are along on the journey. Sometimes they may be supportive. Other times they may be opposed.  It may take hard work and patience to navigate those relational waters in a way that shows discernment, maturity, and is glorifying to God.

Here are a few specific scenarios you should think and pray about:

  1. You are a single adult, willing to prepare and go to the mission field as a single.
  2. You are a single adult who desires to be married before going to the field, but are not in a serious relationship yet.
  3. You are a single adult who expects to be married before going to the field and have a serious relationship or engagement already.
  4. You are married and your spouse is fully on board with becoming a missionary.
  5. You are married and your spouse is unsure and hesitant about this new direction in life.
  6. You are married and your spouse is opposed to the concept of being personally involved in missions like that.
  7. Your parents are in favor of you becoming a missionary.
  8. Your parents are unsure and full of challenging questions.
  9. Your parents are opposed to the idea.
  10. If married, your spouse's parents are in favor of you two becoming missioanries.
  11. If married, your spouse's parents are unsure and full of challenging questions.
  12. If married, your spouse's parents are opposed to the idea.
  13. Siblings reactions/responses.
  14. Grandparents reactions/responses.

It's not unusual for wannabe missionary candidates to face mixed responses and attitudes in the sphere of your relationships about your desires and direction toward missions.  Of course, it should make a big difference whether or not those involved are mature believers, growing believers, weak believers, professing Christians who have a lifestyle and choices which don't match up, or just outright non-believers.

Let's take these very quickly in a lightning round of counsel:

  1. You are a single adult, willing to prepare and go to the mission field as a single.
    1. Pray a lot
    2. Tell your church leaders
    3. Just begin building in ministry and pre-field training skills
  2. You are a single adult who desires to be married before going to the field, but are not in a serious relationship yet.
    1. Pray a lot
    2. Tell your church leaders, including you desires for marriage
    3. Start on the pathway of building skills and preparing
    4. Observe who else is heading the same direction who God might lead to do it together with you
  3. You are a single adult who expects to be married before going to the field and have a serious relationship or engagement already.
    1. If your girlfriend/boyfriend/fiance/fiancee is not willing to consider missions in their future, get out of the relationship!
    2. If your prospective spouse is in agreement, patiently work with him/her to get up to speed to your same passion and position for missions. Get good counsel from an understanding godly leader/mentor, if necessary.
    3. Pray. Tell your church leaders.
    4. Start on the pathway of building skills and preparing
  4. You are married and your spouse is fully on board with becoming a missionary.
    1. Great! Work with your husband/wife to get up to speed and fully agree/concur with this direction.
    2. Patiently build the skills and pre-field training necessary to make it long-term.
    3. Pray. Tell your church leaders. Get good godly counsel.
  5. You are married and your spouse is unsure and hesitant about this new direction in life.
    1. Pray. Take your time. It is essential that they agree and embrace the calling for themselves.
    2. Get good counsel. Tell your church leaders.
    3. Take baby steps toward becoming fully equipped.
    4. Don't keep going if your spouse is not ready. Win him/her through grace and sincere commitment to your marriage.
  6. You are married and your spouse is opposed to the concept of being personally involved in missions like that.
    1. Take a step back and work with your spouse to help him/her understand. Don't push too hard! If they never concur, then accept that as God's will, at least for the present, and patiently wait and pray.
    2. You can continue to build ministry skills that would be useful either on the field or at home.
    3. Let your church leaders know the situation.
  7. Your parents are in favor of you becoming a missionary.
    1. Great!  Inform them and keep them in touch with your progress.
    2. Let your church leaders know.
    3. Keep praying.
  8. Your parents are unsure and full of challenging questions.
    1. Pray. Try to get some help in answering questions so that it's not all on you and your "opinion." Use good resources to help them understand.
    2. Let your church leaders know.
    3. Continue to build ministry skills that would be useful either on the field or at home.
    4. Think through a plan for how you might or might not go to the mission field because of their restraints.
  9. Your parents are opposed to the idea.
    1. Pray. Try to get some help in answering questions so that it's not all on you and your "opinion." Use good resources to help them understand.
    2. Let your church leaders know.
    3. Continue to build ministry skills that would be useful either on the field or at home.
    4. Think through a plan for how you might or might not go to the mission field because of their restraints.
  10. If married, your spouse's parents are in favor of you two becoming missionaries.
    1. See above.
  11. If married, your spouse's parents are unsure and full of challenging questions.
    1. See above.
  12. If married, your spouse's parents are opposed to the idea.
    1. See above.
  13. Siblings reactions/responses.
    1. See above.
  14. Grandparents reactions/responses.
    1. See above.
Of course, we would all want the response of all your family network to be happy and supportive of your direction in missions.

Sadly, that is rare, even with believing parents.  However, your careful, steady, godly response to their concerns and progress in developing yourself in preparation can greatly help. Pray. Proceed. Pray. Get additional help and resources to assist your and their understanding.

May God bless and grant your desire.