At the beginning of the Inquirer Path, you probably started this inquiry because you have a subjective heart desire or burden or vision for missions; and are wanting to explore how you can be involved.

Along the way in this Inquirer Path, God may be confirming your desires and vision. This desire in the heart or burden or vision talk is highly subjective, so it is important to have more than just a deep desire or zeal or burden or vision for missions.

The way God leads His people is usually by taking more objective small steps along the way. The Lord will usually guide you through the means of walking with the Lord in prayer, reading His Word, the counsel of your local church elders/ pastor/ leaders, and circumstances as you take deeper steps of obedience. This is basic Christian guidance. “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path . . ." (Proverbs 3:5-6).

You would not be reading this if you were not at least curious about it! So, it is important for you to take some objective steps of obedience in the context of your local church with counsel from your elders/leaders/pastor as you grow. God usually guides us further as we take steps of obedience.

Just as a boat or canoe cannot turn to the right or left unless it starts moving, the Lord doesn’t guide people today unless we are walking with Him and obeying Him and reaching out where we are now. For example, you don't suddenly become an overseas missionary in another culture if you have not been witnessing to people in your own culture first.

  1. The easiest and most basic thing to start with is praying for missions or maybe forming a prayer group for missions.
  2. Make Matthew 9:37-38 a regular prayer. Be willing to be the answer to that prayer for the Lord of the harvest to sovereignly raise up and send out more workers into His harvest.
  3. Find out who your local church supports as missionaries and seek to get their prayer and newsletters and find out their needs and burdens and pray for them. Get their photo prayer card and prayer for them around the breakfast or dinner table with your family.
  4. Get the book, Operation World, see resource links below. Use it in your prayer or in your prayer group.
  5. Pray for urgent and critical areas of the world that are in available news outlets. Pray for the war-torn regions. Pray for natural catastrophes, that God would use them to proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel. Pray for the spiritual growth of local Christians. Pray for missionaries to be effective and protected.
  6. Ask and inquire about short-term vision trips and what all is involved in that. 
  7. Share your vision and desire with your pastor and/or elders – ask them to pray for you and your vision.
  8. Use your gifts in the local church you are a member of. Be a servant. Even the apostle Paul and Barnabas served and taught in the local church in Antioch for some time (Acts 11:26) before they were called and confirmed and sent out as missionaries. (Acts 13:1-4)