By now, you may have:

  • read previous articles in this role section of Propempo Missions Paths,
  • looked at some of our recommended resource books,
  • studied Scripture,
  • are praying regularly for the Lord’s guidance,
  • exploring information and learning about issues from actual missionaries and mission agencies,
  • and shared your desire to be involved in missions with your pastor/elders/church leaders

Then, as you pray and abide in the Lord and His Word, and are sharing your faith in your own culture, some options will probably present themselves to you, based on your life situation, God's sovereignty, your local church, and where you are in your walk with the Lord.

Different mission agencies and missionaries that you have gotten to know may surface in your heart and mind that you could explore.

A certain people group or language or country or area or general focus of a burden for people of a certain religion (e.g. Muslims or Hindus or Buddhists; or secular atheists in Europe and Russia) may be surfacing in your heart and mind that you could explore, with your local church and pastoral leadership. (See Acts 13:1-4)

If you have not talked to your elders/pastor/local church leaders, that is the place to start now.

If you are not a member of a local and Biblically sound church, you need to be a member of a local church first. the local church is God's method on this earth in the history of sending out missionaries and being salt and light in this world. (Matthew 16:16-20; 18:15-20; John 20:21-23; Revelation 3:7-8; 1 Peter 2:1-10; Romans 12; Matthew 28:18-20)