What is the place of missions in my life?

If you claim to be a Christian, you are one of Christ’s sheep (John 10:10-18; 27-30) and you will hear His voice in the Scriptures as you abide in Christ (John 15:1-16) and grow in the word, prayer, and local church life and ministry. You are not necessarily called to be a missionary overseas, but you will at least love the Scriptures and love God’s glory and His purpose in missions and by seeing it so emphasized in the Bible.

You will share that vision and passion and be praying for missionaries and missions efforts, praying for lost people, praying for unreached nations, involved in personal evangelism as God gives you the opportunity. And you will find opportunities for giving financially to your local church and to missions and encouraging the missions vision.

Jesus Himself says He has other sheep out there in other nations and He must bring them also into the fold. (John 10:16) Even though you may not be a missionary overseas or in another culture, you should own the missionary vision and passion that the apostle Paul communicated in Romans 15:20-21, and support that vision by praying for and financially supporting those involved in missions ministry.

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