How do we know this?
We know that God’s goal is to be glorified among all nations by spreading His glory among all nations because it is taught so much in the Bible.
1. It is commanded – Psalm 96:3 – tell of His glory among the nations!
2. It is the structure of the redemptive drama of the Bible in saving people from all nations, a great multitude (see Revelation 7:9), and then judging all who do not repent and trust Christ; and God gets glory from showing His love to repentant sinners and pouring out His just wrath on unrepentant sinners.

Structure of Redemptive History of the Bible:

Introduction God's Promise Fulfillment Command
Genesis 1-11 Genesis 12:1-3 Rev. 5:9 Matthew 28:29
Creation  I will bless you . . . so that you will be a blessing to all the nations Rev. 5:9; 7:9; 21:3  
Fall Genesis 22:18    
Flood Psalm 67    
Nations Isaiah 49:6    


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