How can I help my church get more involved in missions?
Be an example of godliness and humility first.
Don’t go overboard in zeal in trying to get everybody to be a missionary or condemn people because they don’t have the same intensity and zeal for missions that you do yet.
Being too intense or putting a guilt trip on people is not the way to go; it turns people away.
Pray for your church leadership. (Pastor, Elders, Deacons, staff)
Share small bits of information in an encouraging way.
Study the previous articles in this series and the other ones, what the Scriptures say, and read some of the books recommended here.
If you share the vision for missions with the leadership in a godly way, be prepared to help lead the charge when an elder or pastor says, “You know, you are right; why don’t you do ______________ ?
Do what? Things like:

a. start a prayer group for missions.
b. Start a bible study or Sunday School class on the Biblical basis for missions.
c. lead a short-term missions project team or group
d. organize a weekend missions conference
e. Report on a missionary biography in a Sunday School class. --- or a whole series of biographies for a semester of class sessions.
f. investigate some career missionaries that are like-minded in doctrine whom your local church might be open to supporting.
g. Get advice, resources, policies, and/or training from other like-minded churches that have a missions program or support missionaries.
h. Ask Propempo to help you with questions you may have. Read more and get more resources from
i. Take the Church Missions Profile representing your church. It will give you lots of ideas for further church development. To start, see: