What can I do to advance the cause of missions?

Here are just a few ideas. Read more in this Propempo.com website, especially the Missions Path of Personal Involvement to get more detail and ideas for your personal involvement.

1. Be informed about what the Bible says about missions.

2. Read good books on the history and Biblical theology of missions.

3. Read good missionary biographies.

4. Make Matthew 9:37-38 a more regular part of your prayer life.
“Lord ! send forth more laborers/workers/missionaries to . . . . a certain country, or a certain people group”.”
And with that prayer, a proper attitude of availability and service is “and Lord, I am willing to go!”

5. Get the book, Operation World and really use it –
and pray for countries and people groups and look up (google!) what is going on in different counties and people groups.

6. Pray for specific missionaries in your church.

7. Get a world map and learn about the world and pray for different countries when you hear about them in the news.

8. Give financial gifts to biblical missionaries and missions through your local church and beyond, if your church does not support missionaries yet.