Step by step. That’s the short answer: Step by step. It’s not profound. This is a God-sized goal that will take God’s guidance and enabling to achieve. Yet, you have responsibility, too, to plan, anticipate, and grow as you strive with your congregation to reach your strategic focus goals.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

How do you make a journey of a thousand miles? One step at a time

How do you make it through a time of great stress or tragedy? One day at a time.

Now that you have a strategic focus, your research that led you to this point and good counsel in missiology and strategic planning will help your identify your first priorities.

Is it people? Do you need people on the field to effect your strategic focus? Then, you’ll need to work on preparing your people or finding others who in alignment with your goals and local church ideals to meet that need. You may already have a missions agency partner that would be your reference point for people in your strategic focus. Maybe you met people on the field in your research and decision phase. You’ll need to process them into relationship with the church and/or support as you move ahead. That might mean making a visit to your church, even for an extended time, to meet key leaders, to present the vision, to update them on the unique challenges of that direction or goal.

Is it finances? You may need to craft new ways for people to be involved financially. It may mean setting up a new account in the church books just to keep track of the strategic focus giving and expenses. You may need to develop special giving vehicles or designations for your congregation. You will almost certainly need to develop some promotional materials which highlight the needs and give people information about the means and opportunities to give.

Is it other resources? Are there people or groups working in, with, or tangentially to your strategic focus? Do those people or groups represent resources you need or could use to achieve your goals?

Think a bit outside the box: Bibles in the right language or dialect?
Media: literature, music, video, broadcast media, Bible study materials?
Special outreach opportunities to employ: TESL classes, youth camps, sports camps, primary or specialized medical-dental care?, concerts, sports evangelism?, literacy classes, construction projects?, well drilling?, VBS-type or “five day club” type outreach to children?, micro-enterprise development, skills/job/trade training programs, etc.

We have found that literally developing a concept timeline on paper is a very useful tool to visualizing and articulating the many steps and elements involved in working toward your long-term goals. Putting time segments to steps on a list, help you be more realistic about what needs to be done.

Now is the time to look at all the possible resources and means toward reaching your visionary goals. Oh, … don’t forget to keep praying.