We’ve already mentioned how to get your congregation involved in the process of determining the strategic focus. Presumably, this means that your Missions Team or the SF Task Force have had a good bit of communication on this topic already. We suggest making the announcement of the final decision a celebratory event, even if only a special five-minute presentation in the Sunday morning worship service. Video clips, brochures describing the process and steps along the ways, the ways in which God answered prayer in making vital connections, something about the target people group or project, including relevant top-view information about culture, language, spiritual needs, etc.

Put something into their hands. Make additional resources available to them.

Don’t forget to inform your supported missionary family. This may affect or involved them. It may also have a long-term impact on their support and relationship with the church.

If there is time or at an additional special meeting, you can give more details and have a question and answer session. As much as possible, you want your congregation to be well informed and excited about charting this course toward a strategic focus.

Keep updates are frequent and regular as is reasonable. If you want people to keep praying (and you do!), then you must be responsible to keep them properly informed. Tell them about answers to prayer; ask them to intercede for specific needs; allow them to help in extraordinary ways beyond the usual prayer and giving channels.