You’ll know when you have completed your focus. In fact, you should plan a celebration of reaching the finish line. It’s true that how you define the end product may differ significantly from the time your first envisioned it. Vision is like that. Over time, experience and information and circumstances add perspectives that we could not have anticipated at the beginning. It’s OK. But, as you approach that completion mark, you’ll know.

It’s important to have a special time of recognition and to praise the Lord for whatever progress and goals have been achieved through your strategic focus. Draw the whole congregation together to rejoice and celebrate. Find creative ways to recount the highlights of development and milestones along the way. Connect field celebration with home-side celebration: a dedication service, a live Skype call, an interactive media presentation, a party!

There are some things that might be markers for your completion:

  • opening of a new facility
  • dedication of a New Testament translation
  • public presentation of a new publication
  • launching of a new program or curriculum
  • constitution of a new church or indigenous group
  • graduation services of a training program
  • a group initiation ceremony or service
  • relocation of your key personnel resources to another project or area or people group