We hope that the celebratory event unveiling and strategic focus to the congregation will create a sense of awe and elation. Certainly there is a mountain-top emotional release upon completion of a daunting task like bringing all the prayer and research of the process to completion. You may have to answer a lot of questions from the curious and interested. You will probably realize that there is some key communication piece that was overlooked or neglected which now becomes important to complete and distribute.

Your clear commitment to a strategic focus must be followed with practical first steps. The congregation will expect a report and updates: What are we doing now? How is it going? Have we accomplished initial milestones toward making it a reality?

If there have been others integrally involved in the decisions process, such as mission agency partners, missionaries on the field, key consultants, resource people, then will want to know about your decision and perhaps help you decide and implement those first steps. Keep them in the loop of communication. If the strategic focus is big enough or different enough, you may need to appoint a separate team or committee or task force just to manage the development and implementation after the decision is made and publicized.