Generally speaking, we like to think of qualifications in terms of 4 C’s: character, conviction, competence, and chemistry. Character refers to those biblical standards of virtue, ethical and moral purity, a sound Christian testimony with respect to their demeanor, marriage, family, and relationships in the church and community. Conviction speaks of sound judgment and decisions founded on implementation of biblical and doctrinal principles. Someone who has sound convictions has a solid, basic grasp of the Bible and how to apply it in real life. Competence refers to practical and ministry skills and gifts complementary to the work of the missions team. Chemistry is that subjective personality and attitude that indicates a person works well with others, understands appropriate deference and respect toward others, even in a heated discussion or conflict on an issue.

Here are some typical character qualifications:

  • strong personal testimony of salvation
  • a healthy, growing spiritual life
  • a passion for the spiritually lost
  • dependable
  • cooperative
  • prayerful

Here are some typical conviction qualifications:

  • strong commitment to the church
  • already active in ministry
  • a good student of the Bible
  • in alignment with the doctrine of your local church
  • humble and teachable
  • a can-do servant spirit

Here are some typical competence qualifications:

  • leadership and organizational skills
  • financial stewardship skills
  • teaching or training skills
  • a strategic thinker
  • creative or design skills
  • computer skills
  • communication and writing skills
  • hospitable
  • world Christian minded
  • understanding and/or experience with the missionary task
  • Cross cultural or linguistic skills

Here are some typical chemistry qualifications:

  • a reputation for capacity to work with others
  • ability to express themselves, yet with deference and respect
  • willingness to learn from others and even accept correction
  • a team player mindset

In addition, you will probably want to state expectations of the position, e.g.:

  • meet once a month with the missions team
  • meet an additional one time a month with a sub team or task force
  • commit to continue to learn about missions
  • commit to serve the best interests of the church above personal interests
  • be quick to admit any conflict of interest and be willing to automatically recuse oneself from any decisions regarding that issue
  • faithfully attend church missions events
  • lead one area of missions team responsibility
  • commit to serve on the missions team for 2 years (or whatever term is decided)
  • be willing to influence other ministries in the church with a world missions perspective