A missions education and exposure focus for children as a part of your annual missions event is one of the most strategic things you can do. There are a number of great reasons why you should do so:

  • children are insatiable learners
  • children have a natural curiosity for colorful cultures around the world
  • children’s interests spread to their parents
  • children are often more willingly active participants than adults
  • children receive and believe simple facts about the Gospel and the great commission readily
  • the natural energy and enthusiasm of children makes them fun to teach
  • There are many missions resources aimed at children’s missions education. Will try to select some of the best, to our knowledge, and include links to those documents or sources for your benefit below this section.

Here are some ideas to prime the pump of your thinking:

  • Children love biographies, particularly stories which include other children.
  • Children enjoy sampling, scene, and touching elements of other cultures, including clothing, food, foreign toys, and different implements of everyday life.
  • Children like imagination and travel. Put together a trip to the mission field, or a simulated “day in the life of…”, Or a missions conference “passport” in which they must visit different stations or rooms or displays to receive stamps of proof or accomplishment of their learning.
  • Use role-play as a method of teaching and activity.
  • Redefine M&Ms as referring to missions minded kids. The news M&Ms to reinforce attentiveness and retention things are teaching.
  • Introduce simple missions songs, even foreign-language songs that parallel ones they already know.
  • Teach them simple active games that children in other lands play (especially those countries or people groups supported by your church or featured in your missions event).




