• Pray for God’s guidance and blessing for His glory.
  • Pick your dates.
  • Start planning early.
  • Choose a theme and purposes.
  • Select a speaker that can deliver your theme, especially biblically.
  • Assemble your event leadership team and get them to start assembling their area responsibility teams of volunteer recruits ASAP.
  • Begin public promotion as early as reasonable, considering the church’s calendar and increasing in frequency, variety, and intensity until the event.
  • Remember that quality is more important than quantity.
  • Hold planning and orientation meetings with event volunteers well before the event time.
  • Organize and put due dates on event areas/agenda activities.
  • Pray through the event!
  • Do an evaluation survey and have a post-event evaluation meeting with your event leadership team.
  • Record lessons learned for next time.
  • Thank everyone involved profusely.
  • Praise God!