Here is a bullet point list of ideas to help you get started. Note that they’re not given in sequential order and some will be overlapping. Certainly you don’t need to do all of these; and, some may not even be possible or reasonable in your situation. You be the judge.

  • Simply ask your senior pastor, elder, deacon, or administrative council leader if you would be allowed to start a missions team/committee.
  • Begin asking around among your friends in the church who might be interested in forming a group to especially pray for, communicate with, and learn more about missionaries and missions interests of the church.
  • Find out if your church has ever had a missions team or committee.
  • Call, e-mail, or write your church association or denomination headquarters to find out if they have helpful information about forming a missions team or committee.
  • Ask someone who was on the missions team/committee from a sister or corresponding like-minded church in your area for ideas, foundational documents, and help in presenting the concept to your local church leadership.
  • Work on a rough draft of a founding missions team charter document or policy to present to your church leadership.
  • Brainstorm and compile ideas about how the missions team might help your church be more effective in missions and even have an impact on local outreach.
  • Pray together with friends from your church who are also interested in starting a missions team on a regular basis.
  • Discover resources listed on the side panel of this section or recommended resources from’s store or other places on the Internet.
  • Write a proposal for your church leaders and/or decision-makers regarding the benefits and activities of the missions team for your church.
  • Contact Propempo international about having someone make a presentation to your church leaders and have a missions team training seminar at your church.
  • Organize an on-site or off-site retreat for those interested in the possibility of serving on a missions team/committee.