Churches have many different names for the group assigned to manage, administrate, and mobilize for missions. The old-fashioned name "missions committee" works just fine. However, we encourage churches to use the term "team", because is is usually viewed as a more active, dynamic term than committee.

Here is a brainstorm list of terms taken from actual name designations from local churches. Though your church may have specific naming conventions already locked in, you might consider any of the following terms. You can mix and match appropriately.

  • global outreach team (go team)
  • missions commission
  • missions committee
  • missions team
  • international missions
  • missions board
  • international outreach
  • foreign missions
  • missionary
  • advancement
  • task force
  • commission
  • great commission team
  • Acts 1:8
  • Acts 29
  • global
  • local
  • domestic
  • group
  • mobilization
  • evangelism
  • world
  • strategic global impact
  • missions leadership team

One of the issues you will face early on is the distinction or integration of local and global interests. Technically, the great commission includes both. Practically though, there are very significant ways in which management, promotion, and involvement function between the domestic and international side. Certainly there should be good communication and coordination between those two functions on the spectrum. Your church may decide that both fall under the same umbrella of leadership. Or, you may decide to separate them as to different teams.

We would suggest that, when it comes to some annual celebration or missions outreach event, both the domestic and international side are well represented and promoted.

Bottom line: the most popular and functional current terms for this function of the church would be global outreach team or missions team.