The need for specialized training increases proportionately to the size of the church. When the church is relatively small and has only one or two staff pastors, the leader of missions in the church is probably going to be a layperson who is passionate for missions. Assuming employment responsibilities and a family, a lay person has limited availability and resources to pursue specialized training in missions and the management of missions in the local church. Opportunities for relatively inexpensive and accessible specialized education in local church missions has declined over time. Apart from the Perspectives course, there is very little standard training in missions available.

There are, however, a significant range of resources available in print and online. We trust that you’ll find to be one of your greatest assets for ongoing missions training. The downloadable resources, recommendations, community of forums and case studies, and inexpensive media options available on are exceptional.
The most common current method of providing missions training for church leaders is to obtain the services of an outside speaker, consultant, or trainer. It is not too difficult to identify a resource person from your nearest metro area or friendly mission agency relationships to provide a presentation or training in their area of expertise. Propempo staff often serve in this capacity. The additional benefit of having Propempo staff come to your church is that our experience and church centered philosophy of ministry uniquely equip us to consult and advise your church in becoming more effective in missions. We love to come alongside churches and help them identify a strategic focus and then help them design how to achieve it.

The right question is not as much “how” you pursue ongoing training, but that you do it at all. If you build a culture within the missions team that all members are expected to read and study and interact and grow in their understanding and skills for the good of the church, then you will not need to invent ways for Missions Team members to be trained; they will voluntarily on their own seek out ways to grow and develop themselves for God glory both in the local church and as far as it reaches overseas.

When Missions Shapes the Mission: You and Your Church Can Reach the World