Short Term Missions (STM) in the local church has long been alternately branded as a blessing or a curse. As with most ideas in missions, STM itself is not evil; it’s what you do with it and how you do it that makes it either an asset or a liability. STM leaders are the vanguard for effectiveness of the short term missions project and opportunities of your church. STM leaders need to understand a proper framework for STM in order to train and lead participants in helpful ways.

What STM is NOT (or should not become):
  • a litmus test for your church’s achievements in missions; i.e. – the more STM participants, the higher your church ranks in missions achievement
  • a sponsored and all-expense-paid vacation
  • a burden to the missionary hosts
  • a stumbling block to the indigenous recipients or observers

What STM should be:

  • a WIN-WIN-WIN situation for participants, hosts, and recipients
  • an intensive spiritual discipleship experience
  • an opportunity for selfless service
  • a positive, couldn’t-have-done-it-any-other-way, contribution to field ministries
  • a unique cross-cultural growth opportunity
  • a stepping stone to long term relationship with missions and service in the local church
  • a personal skills and gifts development laboratory for the Kingdom
  • an opportunity to stretch participants’ faith in a sovereign, loving God

We recommend the unique training and orientation program of Culture Link. Visit the website for more information.

Code of Best Practice in Short Term Mission

Standards of Excellence in Short Term Missions (Overview)

How Short Term Mission is Becoming a Two-Way Street

Short Term Missions Policy at FBC