What is the role of the missions pastor in church missions leadership?
When should the church hire a missions pastor?
What is the job description of a missions pastor?
What ministry experience makes for a good missions pastor?
Is it OK to have a missions plus something else combination?
What is the missions pastor's relationship to the MT?
What is the mission pastor's relationship to church missionaries?
What principles should I teach to help my church focus on the right things?
What resources should I use to help church ministries understand missions?
How can I get ministry leaders to incorporate missions in their areas?
What outside training would be helpful to maximize leaders' effectiveness?
How can I relate to our missionaries in helpful ways?
What role do I have in discipling and shepherding our missionaries?
How should I lead in screening, confirming, and equipping potential workers?
How does my personal life lead others in missions?
How can I model financial stewardship for missions?
How can I demonstrate ownership and commitment to missions?
How does my family life reflect a high view of missions?