Since we’ve mentioned other pastors’ role with respect to missions already, we’ll focus this section on the Missions Pastors specifically.

Even when the Missions Team may have recruited church members to function as key points of contact and communication, the Missions Pastor is often the face and voice of the church to your supported missionaries. The senior pastor should be known to them (and vice versa). But the Missions Pastor is the main conduit of information flow back and forth. The Missions Pastor should have regular routine communication with each supported missionary. He can respond to each prayer letter with some not of interest, concern, or question for clarification. Doing so shows the missionary that the MP is reading them and has some understanding of their current situation!

The MP should communicate significant events or changes or vision in the local church to the missionaries. He should make connections between the missionaries and those people, small groups, Sunday School classes, short term teams, etc. that have a special concern and interest/ownership of their family’s life and ministry. When the missionary visits the church, the Missions Pastor should be among the first to greet them, insure proper hospitality and provision are made for their stay, and inquire about any special needs or considerations or goals for their stay.

In short, the MP is the primary advocate for the missionary to the church body AND vice versa.