If we were consistent with biblical priorities, a “Missions Pastor” would be the second full time pastoral staff member of every church. The missions pastor is the designated staff leader for missions mobilization for the congregation. This includes responsibility for, facilitation and coordination of all aspects of congregational involvement in world missions. Often it may include all forms of outreach, both local and cross-cultural.
While the missions pastor may serve as the chief operating officer for missions interests, he will probably also have a role as educator, trainer, and mentor for the missions team members, missionary candidates, and the congregation at large. The missions pastor may have delegated oversight of:
- teaching or classes on biblical, theological, and strategic foundations for missions
- local outreach with connections to evangelism and cross-cultural outreach
- general congregational education about missions, missionaries, the missions process and priorities
- interface with church leadership
- liaise or lead the church Missions Team
- promote and provide opportunities for individual participation
- stimulate and provide opportunities and tools for missions prayer
- promote and communicate needs and opportunities for missions giving and budget process
- develop and deploy training and opportunities for Short Term Missions
- supervise, coordinate, and assist in missionary care, including on-field visits
- study, facilitate decision-making, and develop missions strategy for the church’s focus and involvement
- develop and implement a process for church-based missionary training and guidance of that training through delegated specialist persons or institutions/schools
Roles of the Missions Pastor PDF