The starting point for missions involvement is discovering your optimal role in missions. The Perspectives course has identified at least four possible roles in missions:

  1. Goers go to the field, particularly long-term.
  2. Senders work behind the scenes to provide resources of prayer, finances, and care that help goers remain healthy and stay on the field.
  3. Welcomers understand the strategic nature of extending hospitality and a Christian witness to international students, refugees and immigrants whom God has brought to our country.
  4. Mobilizers want to multiply themselves by helping others find and carry out their global missions roles. They serve as leaders who mentor and train others, and connect them to appropriate avenues for service.

Once you’ve determined the role toward which you’re bent, other questions are worth considering.

  • Are you more task or people-oriented? For example, do you prefer to repair a refugee’s car, or help him run errands?
  • Is there a particular nation, city, people group, or religious block that most interests you?
  • What skills and gifts do you most enjoy using: teaching, helps, evangelism, hospitality, etc.?

Prayerfully ask God to open doors and give you connections to the exactly right opportunities for missions involvement. Continue reading more in the “Personal Involvement” path on this website. Look for some of the helpful resources at the end of sections/articles.