Assuming that you’ve built a solid base of knowledge and personal involvement, you’ve likely answered the question about your God-designed role in missions, whether as one who goes, sends others, welcomes the nations locally, or mobilizes others. Now it’s time to live out that role. Here are some possibilities.

  1. Begin your path to long-term service, ideally under your church’s guidance.
  2. Develop and work a whole-life plan for maximal involvement in missions. This may well involve serious changes such as moving to a different part of your city (to reach a people group or live more simply), freeing up your ability to give generously, or assuming missions leadership and discipleship roles.
  3. Lead well-designed short-term missions trips that will help others begin their journey of missions involvement.
  4. Mentor others considering their next personal moves in missions involvement.
  5. Become involved in a regional or national network committed to helping start church planting movements in a place or among a people group of great interest to you.

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