To serve on a missionary’s prayer team means committing to pray regularly (whether individually or with a group) for many aspects of the missionary’s life and ministry.

Critical elements for which to pray for a missionary include:

  • A healthy and growing love for God
  • A great dependence on the power of the Gospel and Scripture to change lives; a decreasing trust in one’s gifts and strengths for ministry
  • A healthy marriage, if married
    Godly parenting of children (if applicable)
  • A ministry team that keeps short accounts of interpersonal problems by managing conflict through Matthew 18 guidelines
  • An ability to recognize and engage in spiritual warfare
    Increasing ability in the local language and culture, resulting in presenting the Gospel in as indigenously effective a way as possible
  • The boldness to sow the Gospel widely and frequently, among as much good soil (receptive hearers) as possible, resulting in God’s salvation of many
  • A guard against discouragement and depression
  • Connection to a person of peace who will provide gateways of opportunity and relationship for the team
  • For the city/people group among whom the ministry is happening; for its receptivity and for a church planting movement to emerge