Many fine resources are available to help you pray intelligently and effectively. Just a few include :

Operation World will help you pray for every nation in the world. Visit and sign up to receive a daily email.

The Global Prayer Digest helps you pray daily for an unreached people group.

Compass Direct provides current news items for prayer.

Most mission agencies that work in places or among peoples that interest you provide information for prayer by web, email or mail.

Many books, websites and email services provide updated prayer information for prayer for specific countries or regions. Examples include :

Africa (

Arabian Peninsula (

China (Operation China, available at

Europe (

France (

Indonesia (

Kurds (

Muslims during the month of Ramadan (

The 10/40 Window (

The persecuted (

Somalia (

Tunisia (

Yemen (

Google “Pray for (name of country)” and you will often find many prayer resources.