Get involved! If your church does not offer ministry to refugees, international students or immigrants, some other possible avenues for engaging internationals include the following:

Some campus ministries have international student specialists who seek to mobilize local churches for ministry. Examples would include IFace , ISI , InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Reformed University Ministries. Crescent Project helps Americans form Outreach Groups to reach Muslims locally. Go to such organizations’ websites to find contact information, and inquire about volunteer opportunities.

Several organizations help re-settle refugees in the US. Examples would include World Relief and Catholic Relief Services. Go to such organizations’ websites to find contact information, and inquire about volunteer opportunities.

Where do concentrations of internationals live in your city? Begin to shop and eat out in those neighborhoods. Find a “third place” such as a coffee house in such neighborhoods to meet friends or work on your laptop. Begin conversations as appropriate with those who work there.

Do you know of nearby missions-minded churches located downtown or near universities? These churches may offer avenues for your personal involvement with internationals.

Large urban community colleges are frequent, inexpensive starting places for refugees to learn ESL. Contact the international student department at the local community college and inquire about opportunities for working with ESL students as a tutor or conversation partner.