This path is built for two types of hikers:

  • The missionary candidate, desiring to be sent out
  • And the field missionary, desiring to grow in effectiveness

You begin by learning about the basics of missions and being a missionary. It's all centered on the local church as God's primary agent for building His kingdom. If you are already serving in a cross-cultural setting, the next steps will be very helpful.

Aim, Plan, Build, and Evaluate are competency tools for your backpack.

Strategize, Multiply, and Finish have large, practical impact on you and your team's ministry.  

First you can take this missionary path and learn about missions.

We pray that God will really bless and forge you into an effective instrument in His hands for His glory. Recruit others to support and send you as you go. They can walk through the material on our website, also. May God give you stamina and determination along with a teachable spirit to bring your ministry dreams into reality.

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