No one will have all the qualities of a good missionary, but some ideal characteristics include:

Grace orientation: the ability to extend grace widely, forgive as Christ forgave us, and forbear others’ sins when possible. This is driven by an acute awareness both of the depths of one’s sin as well as the love of God that drove so great a forgiveness on the cross. This includes the ability to see the best in difficult people, places and situations. This ability will deepen your effectiveness with both your team and lost people.

Flexibility: the ability to adjust expectations of people and situations whenever possible and necessary, so that others can be served, and Christ’s Kingdom advanced.

Servanthood: a willingness to do whatever needs to be done, and to be a tireless worker behind the scenes without needing any credit.

Learner: the conviction that one can always continue learning in one’s life situation, and a desire to do so.

Love for people: a genuine compassion that results in self-sacrifice so that others may come to know Christ, and know His abundant life.

Perseverance: Consistent faithfulness in the ministry, driven by the certainty that only God produces fruit, and your ministry may be the preparation for the fruits harvested by future generations.

Qualities of a Faithful Missionary

2 Timothy chapter 2, verses 1-10 As Paul was sent out from a local church (Acts 13:1-4), The qualities here include:

  1. Serving in the local church first - Acts 11:26
  2. Being submissive and accountable to local church leadership - Acts 11:26; Acts 13:1-4
  3. Being tested and having the same qualities as elders/pastors/teachers/overseers are required to have. ( 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5:1-6) - sound in doctrine - able to teach, able to refute false doctrine, godly character, "one woman kind of a man", godly marriage, children are not rebellious, hospitable.

Later he writes to Timothy at the end to be faithful. Writing from jail in Rome (2 Timothy 1:17) for Timothy to suffer for the gospel in the same way that he has as an evangelist and missionary.

1. Dependent - 2 Timothy 2:1

  • Weak within Himself. 2 Timothy 2:1, John 15:4-5; Zechariah 4:6
    • This weakness causes us to be humble and develop a vibrant prayer life and
      life of meditation in the word of God - the Scriptures.
    • 2 Corinthians 2:16 “Who is Adequate for these things?”
    • 2 Corinthians 3:5
    • Psalm 131
    • “Things too wonderful for me” - rest in God and His Sovereignty and realize
      there are some issues that come up in ministry that we don't know the
      complete answers to.
  • Strong in Grace – 2 Timothy 2:2 -
    • constantly going back to the source, Christ Himself, the Scriptures,
      meditation, and prayer, local church fellowship, accountability, and teaching.
    • John 15:1-16
    • Psalm 1
    • Psalm 119
    • Jude 3, 20-25
    • Acts 2:41-46
    • Acts 11:26
    • Acts 13:1-4
    • Acts 14:21-23
    • Acts 20:17-35, I Timothy 3, Titus 1
    • Acts 20:32

2. Duplicating Oneself – 2 Timothy 2:2

  • Seeking out faithful men who can teach others also. We must be faithful also for
    them to be faithful.

3. Dedicated -- Willing to suffer -- 2 Timothy 2:3

  • Patience
  • Perseverance

4. Disciplined – 2 Timothy 3:4

  • Soldier
  • Athlete
  • Farmer
  • I Corinthians 9:19-27
  • Price - I have become a slave to the ones I want to reach and it is worth it to reach
    them. Learning their culture and language and suffering is worth it.
  • Purpose - in order that I may win them.
  • Personal Discipline - I run and box according to the rules and buffet my body and
    make it my slave, lest after I have preached to others, I may become disqualified.

5. One who keeps thinking, studying– 2 Timothy 2:7

6. and remembering the Lord in worship, prayer, and study– 2 Timothy 2:8

  • 2 Peter 1:12-21, 3:1, 3:15-18

7. Realizing that the doctrine of election itself does not save, but it motivates evangelism – 2 Timothy 2:10

  • Acts 18:9-10

The doctrine of election gives us confidence that God will save some, as we evangelize, and as we are willing to suffer in seeking to evangelize.

People must hear the message (Romans 10:13-15) and see it demonstrated in lives. Colossians 1:24-29

Let the doctrines of grace push you out to reach out to Muslims and others (Hindus, Buddhists, secularists, atheists, communists, Tribal peoples, Roman Catholics, Chinese religions) who are different than us, and sometimes scary.