Not everyone should serve on a short-term trip, but many should. Several good reasons for getting involved in excellent short-term missions include :

  • A well-designed short-term trip can play a significant part in helping a team of missionaries achieve its long-term church planting goals.
  • Your unique skills can be an important part of helping a short-term team succeed.
  • Regardless of what role you eventually play in missions (goer, sender, welcome, mobilizer, etc.), you will catch a glimpse of life in a country that will teach you about how God is working in the world.
  • A short-term trip may confirm where God wants you to return long-term.
  • A short-term trip may clarify that going to the field should not be your long-term role in missions.
  • A short-term trip should increase your commitment to living a World Christian lifestyle back home.

Maximum Impact Short-Term Mission: The God-Commanded Repetitive Deployment of Swift, Temporary Non-Professional Missionaries